Hon. Dennis Lazaro Londo, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation of the United Republic of Tanzania, was sworn in as an Ex-Officio Member of the East African Legislative Assembly during the 1st Meeting of the 3rd Session of the 5th Assembly held in Kampala, Uganda.

This step follows a minor cabinet reshuffle in Tanzania, paving the way for Hon. Londo to assume the portfolio of East African Affairs.

Escorted by other EALA members from the Tanzanian chapter, including Hon. Abdullah Makame, Hon. Londo took an oath and took his seat for the first time as a non-voting representative from Tanzania.

His appointment enhances Tanzania’s representation at the EALA, which plays a critical role in guiding the East African Community (EAC) integration process.

Hon. Londo, a Member of Parliament for Mikumi Constituency in the Tanzanian Parliament, brings a wealth of experience in governance and diplomacy to EALA.

In his speech, Hon. Londo pledged his unwavering commitment to the EAC’s integration goals, stating, “This is my first appearance before this August House, and I wish to take this opportunity to pledge my dedication and unwavering commitment to the EAC integration agenda.”

He continued by praising the efforts of EALA members in passing key legislation that has driven the region’s integration efforts and congratulated Dr. Gladness Salema of the United Republic of Tanzania on her election to the Assembly, as well as Honourable Beatrice Askul Moe of the Republic of Kenya on her appointment as East African Community Cabinet Secretary.

Reflecting on the purpose of regional integration, Hon. Londo emphasized the tangible benefits that the process would bring to the citizens of East Africa, including wealth creation, improved living standards, and increased competitiveness on the global stage.

“The creation of wealth, an improvement in the living standards of all East Africans, and an increase in the region’s competitiveness internationally are some of the anticipated results of regional integration,” he noted.

Hon. Londo concluded his speech with a heartfelt commitment to working closely with his fellow EALA members to build a stronger and more prosperous region.

The Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Hon. Denis Londo (MP) takes oath of the allegiance to the house before the Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly, Hon. Joseph Ntakirutimana to become the Ex-Officio Member of the EALA. The event was held in Kampala. Uganda on 23rd October 2024 during the 1st meeting of the 3rd session of the 5th Assembly.

“As I conclude, I thank you once again for embracing me into this regional family, whereby together we will share, endure, and make significant improvements in our region. You can always count on my full support and that of my country,” he said.

On July 21, 2024, Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan appointed Hon. Dennis Lazaro Londo as the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Community, responsible for spearheading East African integration efforts.

This key appointment underscores Tanzania’s efforts and evolving role within the East African Community (EAC), as Londo is tasked with deepening the country’s engagement with its regional partners.


Londo’s Leadership and Academic Background.

The United Republic of Tanzania, under the 6th phase government, places the East African integration agenda at the top of its foreign policy priorities.

It is for this reason that Her Excellency the President picked this deputy foreign minister with a unique blend of academic, administrative, and diplomatic experience for his new role.

As a Member of Parliament under the Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Party, he has already demonstrated his leadership as chairperson of the Permanent Parliament Committee on Regional Administration and Local Government.

His prior roles, such as District Executive Director for Kilombero District and Coordinator for Civil Society Organizations in the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government, provide him with in-depth knowledge of governance at both the local and regional levels.

Hon. Londo’s academic background is equally distinguished, holding a Diploma in Forestry and Environment Management from Finland, a Bachelor of Social Services, two Master’s degrees in International Social Work and Development and International Relations, and a Postgraduate Degree in Pedagogy and Education.

Currently pursuing a Doctorate focused on Tanzania’s Diaspora Engagement for Development, Hon. Londo is well-equipped to navigate the complexities of regional diplomacy and governance as well as integration.


Hon. Gladys Salema: Continuing Dr. Shogo’s Legacy.

Prior to Hon. Londo’s swearing-in during this assembly session, Hon. Gladys Salema took the oath after being nominated by Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and subsequently receiving an endorsement from the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania to represent the country in EALA.

Gladness Ladislaus Salema is a senior lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam, with 17 years of experience in teaching, research, and consultancy. She is a public health logistician with a PhD in Logistics and a Master’s in Public Health.

Her appointment fills the significant void left by the untimely demise of Dr. Shogo, who was deeply involved in public service and regional diplomacy.

It is envisaged that Hon. Salema’s role will likely continue Dr. Shogo’s work, ensuring that Tanzania’s representation in EALA remains both active and influential. As the Chairperson of CCM, President Samia spearheaded Salema’s selection, solidifying Tanzania’s influence.

Both Hon. Salema and Hon. Londo’s professional backgrounds are poised to strengthen Tanzania’s robust participation in the Assembly’s decision-making process.

The recently CCM Nominee Member of East African Legislative Assembly, Hon. Gladness Salema takes oath of the allegiance to the house before the Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly, Hon. Joseph Ntakirutimana to become the Member of the EALA. The event was held in Uganda on 23rd October 2024 during the 1st meeting of the 3rd session of the 5th Assembly.

Strategic Importance of Londo’s Appointment and the EAC for Tanzania.

As pioneers of this regional bloc, the United Republic of Tanzania appreciates the growing influence it claims in Africa, which is central to Tanzania’s economic and political future.

In line with Tanzania’s foreign policy pillar of good neighbourliness, the zeal to push the integration agenda while embracing its neighbours and fellow member states is fundamental in President Samia’s leadership.

Tanzania is neighboured by eight countries, five of which belong to the bloc: Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. For Tanzania, the EAC represents an important platform for advancing regional trade, infrastructure development, and political cooperation.

As Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs responsible for East African Affairs, Hon. Londo’s portfolio will focus on harnessing Tanzania’s potential within the EAC.

His deep experience in local government and international relations aligns with the region’s integration agenda, which seeks to harmonize policies, streamline trade agreements, and enhance regional infrastructure projects.

As the EAC continues to grow, Londo will be instrumental in shaping Tanzania’s contribution to the bloc’s future.

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